I ate mango baby food today, and I LOVED it. I actually opened my mouth for Mommy.
I also had my first swim lesson today, but Mommy and Daddy have been really sick the past two days, so my Great Aunt Kelly took me to the pool. No one was able to come and take pictures, so I don't have any to put up. Hopefully I will be able to get some good swimming pictures next week.
I am no longer a stationary baby. I can scoot backwards on my tummy! On Saturday, Mommy noticed that I was a couple feet from where she had set me on my tummy, so she decided to get a video of me scootin'. The movement is subtle, but notice that my feet start out on the blanket, and end up off of it. I kind of do a backwards worm dance. I will be crawling in no time!
This was supposed to be a blog about my first swim lesson, but we got 18 inches of snow in Shawano, so swim lessons were cancelled. I still had a great day with Mommy and Daddy at home. Here are a few pictures of me enjoying my snow day.
Makin' music.
Hangin' out.
Playin' in my play gym.
Sittin' in my booster.
Bear butt!
Bear feet!
Storytime just before bed. A great way to end a snow day.
I started eating solids foods last week when we got back from Arizona. I am not that interested in them though. When Mommy tries to get the spoon in my mouth, I close my lips quite tightly, and when she does manage to get some food in my mouth, I usually spit it out right away. Needless to say, most of the food ends up on my face. So far I have tried rice cereal, oatmeal, squash, carrots, prunes and sweet potatoes. I can't say that I like any of them.
You can see that mommy has a tough time getting food in my mouth. She has to make me smile to open up : )
We are back in Wisconsin now and it is snowing : ( I miss Arizona already. The weather down there was amazing. It was perfect weather for watching baseball, which I did a lot of. Here are some more pictures and videos from the trip.
Hangin' out by Uncle Bill's pool in my stroller.
Daddy dipping me in the VERY cold pool. I couldn't swim in this one, because it was too cold.
Mommy and me sitting by the hotel pool.
Daddy and me by the fountains in Glendale.
Mommy and me in Glendale.
Sitting in Daddy's lap at Maryvale. This is Mommy's absolute favorite picture of me : )
Watchin' more baseball.
My favorite Brewer!
First sausage race of the year.
Dancing with Daddy to Roll Out the Barrel. I think that he was having more fun than me!
I went swimming for the first time today. The water was a little cool, but I didn't mind. I even did a little kicking. I am gonna be a pro swimmer in no time. Bring on the Shawano summer!
I went to my first spring training game today. It was really hot and sunny, but Mommy & Daddy did a good job of keeping me in the shade. When no one was looking, I found my own way to stay cool.